Official binary builds

The simplest way to start using soupault is to download a prebuilt executable. Just unpack the archive and you are ready to go.

Linux (x86-64)1
soupault-4.10.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz (sig)
Linux (AArch64/ARM64)
soupault-4.10.0-linux-aarch64.tar.gz (sig)
Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (sig)
soupault-4.10.0-macos-x86_64.tar.gz (sig)

If you want CDN’d links for your CI scripts, you can use GitHub releases mirror links.

Verifying digital signatures

You can verify digital signatures using this signify/minisign public key:


Soupault uses minisign for release signing. To learn about its advantages over GPG, read signify: Securing OpenBSD From Us To You.

One obvious advantage is that you don’t need to import the key anywhere, you can pass it as a command line argument:

minisign -Vm -P RWRfW+gkhk/+iA7dOUtTio6G6KeJCiAEp4Zfozw7eqv2shN90+5z20Cy

Package repositories


Soupault is written in OCaml and is available from the OPAM repository.

If you already have OCaml and OPAM installed, you can easily install with this command:

opam install soupault


Soupault is available in nixpkgs.

Nix packaging is maintained by toastal.

Building from source

Soupault is free software published under the MIT license. You can build it from source for any platform supported by the OCaml programming language.

The source code is available from these git repositories that are kept in sync:

To build the latest source, you will need the OCaml compiler (4.13 or later) and the OPAM package manager.

$ git clone <url>
$ cd soupault
$ opam pin add .

1Before you have a chance to interject for a moment, I'll say that it's linked statically with musl, so it will work on any Linux-based OS, not only GNU/Linux.